February 20, 2003: Microsoft Buys Virtual PC

No hardcore Mac user will ever admit that Windows is better than OS X for anything, but denials aside, there are times when even the …(read more)

February 19, 1981: Jef Writes a Career Limiting Memo

The Macintosh was originally conceived and code-named by Jef Raskin. Jef tried to keep the project under the radar but when Steve Jobs, after being …(read more)

February 18, 2002: Woz Gets What Is Coming to Him

If the Apple I was a revolutionary product, it was a revolution that many people didn't want. The reasons were apparent: the Apple was little …(read more)

February 17, 1981: All Aboard the Mac Train

There were a great many people involved in the Mac project, but no one was likely more essential on the software side than Andy Hertzfeld. …(read more)

February 16, 1942: World, Meet Armas Markkula

If there was a consistent theme to Apple oversight until the return of Steve Jobs it was the presence of Mike Markkula on the Board …(read more)

February 15, 1997: The Tiger is Unleashed…For the Apple II?

Hardcore Apple fans remember Friday, April 30, 2005 as the day that Tiger was released. Of course, that release party was for OS 10.4, code …(read more)

February 14, 1992: How About a Little Internal Intel?

Mac on Intel once seemed heretical and now seems, well, unavoidable. But 2005 wasn't the first time Apple seriously considered supporting Intel processors. In actuality, …(read more)

February 13, 1986: Jobs Says: “Sell, Sell, Sell!”

Steve Jobs has been lauded as a master marketer and design aesthete. One thing nobody has ever accused Steve of is being a financial savant. …(read more)

February 12, 1993: Steve Goes All Intel the First Time

Steve Jobs, it is widely known, is fascinated by industrial design. This passion means Steve loves producing computer hardware. Yet for all his love of …(read more)

February 11, 1991: Tchao Begs for A Cheaper Newton

Nothing better typifies Apple's ability to innovate while also illustrating the missed opportunities that seem to be part of Apple's corporate culture than the Newton. …(read more)

February 10, 1993: Color Classic Launched

Spacious hard drive, sharp color monitor, a tiny pinch of expandability, a cute form factor and a user friendly interface: it all adds up to …(read more)

February 9, 1999: Leave Us Out of Your Doomsday Scenarios

It all seems quaint now, but at one time people were convinced that when the clock went from 11:59 PM December 31, 1999 to 12:00 …(read more)